Market Reporting

MSA reports include regular publications such as the MSA’s Annual Report, Year in Review and Quarterly Report, which serve to provide information on market events, trends and observations concerning the fair, efficient and openly competitive operation of the market. Other reports deal with special events, such as investigations. Reports are typically accompanied by a Notice which provides summary information about the content and the motivation behind releasing the report.

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Download MSA 2019-528 MSA 2019-528 ISO Rules - Specified Penalties January 1, 2020
Download MSA 2019-527 MSA 2019-527 ISO Rules - Specified Penalties January 1, 2020
Download MSA 2019-526 MSA 2019-526 ISO Rules - Specified Penalties January 1, 2020
Download MSA 2019-514 MSA 2019-514 ISO Rules - Specified Penalties January 1, 2020
Download MSA 2019-479 MSA 2019-479 ISO Rules - Specified Penalties January 1, 2020
Download MSA 2019-454 MSA 2019-454 ISO Rules - Specified Penalties January 1, 2020
Download Approved DASs for Boards and Councils 2020 + 2019 Lethbridge Adjustments Approved DASs for Boards and Councils 2020 + 2019 Lethbridge Adjustments Approved DASs for Boards and Councils January 1, 2020
Download Administrator Expense Dec (2019) Administrator Expense Dec (2019) Administrator Expenses Documents December 1, 2019
Download Administrator Expense Nov (2019) Administrator Expense Nov (2019) Administrator Expenses Documents November 1, 2019
Download MSA Notice re Advisory Opinion Program Process MSA Notice re Advisory Opinion Program Process Notices October 23, 2019
Download Administrator Expense Oct (2019) Administrator Expense Oct (2019) Administrator Expenses Documents October 1, 2019
Download 2019 Market Share Offer Control Report 2019 Market Share Offer Control Report MSOC September 24, 2019
Download Retail Electricity and Natural Gas Billing Tool 2019 Q2 Public Retail Electricity and Natural Gas Billing Tool 2019 Q2 Public Retail Billing Tool June 1, 2019
Download Quarterly Report for Q4 2018 Quarterly Report for Q4 2018 Quarterly Reports May 24, 2019
Download Quarterly Report for Q1 2019 Quarterly Report for Q1 2019 Quarterly Reports May 24, 2019
Download 2019 05 24 OBEG decision 2019 05 24 OBEG decision Notices May 24, 2019
Download 2019 05 22 Notice re Advisory Opinion Programme Decision 2019 05 22 Notice re Advisory Opinion Programme Decision Notices May 22, 2019
Download 2019-05-10 MOU between MACD and MSA 2019-05-10 MOU between MACD and MSA Notices May 10, 2019
Download 2019 05 07 Notice to participants and stakeholders AOP feedback Feb 27 2019 05 07 Notice to participants and stakeholders AOP feedback Feb 27 Notices May 7, 2019
Download Administrator Expense May (2019) Administrator Expense May (2019) Administrator Expenses Documents May 1, 2019
Download Report to the Minister 2018 Report to the Minister 2018 Annual Report to the Minister April 30, 2019
Download 2019 02 12 Notice to Stakeholders re AOP Teleconferencing Option 2019 02 12 Notice to Stakeholders re AOP Teleconferencing Option Notices February 12, 2019
Download 2019 02 05 Notice to participants and stakeholders re OBEG feedback 2019 02 05 Notice to participants and stakeholders re OBEG feedback Notices February 5, 2019
Download 2019 01 23 Notice re stakeholder comments Advisory Opinion Programme resources 2019 01 23 Notice re stakeholder comments Advisory Opinion Programme resources Notices January 23, 2019
Download 2019 01 21 TAC MSA Advisory Opinion Programme Comments 2019 01 21 TAC MSA Advisory Opinion Programme Comments Notices January 21, 2019
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